Tap Spatial App
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Spatial Energy is the source for digital imagery and services within the energy industry. Solely dedicated to meeting the needs of energy companies operating worldwide, Spatial Energy acquires, processes, and manages the most extensive collection of high resolution satellite and aerial imagery, topographic maps, and digital elevation models (DEMs). Imagery is available on demand from our extensive data archives, by tasking satellites and aerial providers, and by speculative collection. Spatial Energy has established preferred relationships with the leading data providers and can thus select the best source(s) to meet your particular application. In addition, programs such as the Energy Partner Program (EPP), BasinWatch and Spatial on Demand provide simplified, cost effective access to imagery. Our goal is to reduce the cost, time and effort required to acquire imagery for all of your needs. Available for free at the Apple App Store, TapSpatial includes access to an up-to-date, high-resolution image data layer covering the entire world. Additionally, iPad users can tap directly into their own proprietary enterprise data service or spatial content from other web sources, including Esri, Bing Maps, and Google Maps. Users may also purchase a subscription to access premium Spatial Energy content, such as Digital Elevation Models, bathymetry, land grid, well locations and a variety of remote sensing imagery.Case Studies
The client brought in an idea for energy professionals to create unique maps for field use. After brainstorming between their team and ours, we found that one of the most important features to implement was the ability to use any number of spatial map sources—such as Google Maps, Bing Maps and industry-specific maps and overlays—to customize data and imagery for offline use outside the office. It was important that several layers could be applied to a map of any area of the world, and that each individual layer could be toggled on or off depending on the information needed at the moment. Features were added so quick notes and drawings could be made on top of maps, and screen shots could easily be saved and shared. <br> Finally, the ability to subscribe to Spatial on Demand software was made available for enhanced data access and notation options. Extremely high levels of versatility were key in the designing of this app, to make it an indispensable resource and location tool in the field.Testimonial
We have a lot of interest in the app from our customers. Many of them found the app to be very impressive and easy to use. The great user experience of the app has a lot to do with Appvisors’ creative art work. The Appvisors team had a deep understanding of our needs and delivered the work in a style that met exactly our requirements. Yanping
By Yanping, of Tap Stacial